Sommarö Guardhouse, Rental Hut

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Service hut, 120 m2, 2 rooms and a kitchen, WC, shower. Next to the cottage there is a separate sauna which is heated with wood. Reservable between 1.5-31.10. 2024. Sommarös hut is now a service hut and it functions especially as a service point for schools and other groups. Use: Cooking, food storage, dining room, use of shower and toilet, meeting room, outdoor sauna. No overnight stay. The defence forces' depot and coastal artillery fort operated in this area during the years 1940 – 2000. The defence forces left behind a network of roads and trails, electricity and water infrastructure, several house foundations, a pier, foundations for artillery pieces and bunkers. A monument has been erected to commemorate the operations of the coastal artillery fort. Of all the buildings, only one house and the guard hut including some smaller building in the yard remain.

Sommarö Guardhouse, Rental Hut Kvarken Archipelago


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